There is a fog hanging over the land
A confounding fog I
do not understand.
It is a fog which we have made
It is keeping us all in the shade.
It is
a man fog
We clone a dog
The FDA says it’s good to eat
Thank you, no, I prefer a beet.
swears there is no green house effect
I am sure the polar bear would object.
We worship science,
we hear God is dead.
God is dead
With their own fog machine
Enter the revivalists, lean and
The revivalists and corporatists
They tell me God is the way
I spoke with him just yesterday.
tongues you won’t understand
So I will tell you his command.
We have to kill people for their
own good
If they live in Baghdad or in the hood.
I scream what about "love thy neighbor"
shall not kill
The Golden Rule
The FOG…I cannot see
You were right, Aldous Huxley
FOG over the land
It pollutes our lungs, then we find
More evil than that, it pollutes our mind.